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You Are Here:: Shop By Category | CAT5 Extenders | Cat5 VGA Extender | VGA Extender over CAT5e/6 with 3.5MM Audio up to 1000FT
VGA Extender over CAT5e/6 with 3.5MM Audio up to 1000FT

VGA Extender over CAT5e/6 with 3.5MM Audio up to 1000FT

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Description :

VGAEXTR-1000A, CAT5 VGA Extender with 3.5mm Audio over a single CAT5e/6 cable extends VGA Video signals and audio up to 1000ft. This VGA extender has a local VGA port on the transmitter to connect a VGA Monitor right next to the PC. The receiver unit has adjustment EQ Switch to tune up for best image quality. This VGA over Cat5 supports VGA to WUXGA resolutions depending on the distance. In addition, each output performs a separate buffering to maintain signal integrity and reject interference/noise.

VGA Extender with Audio Demo Video

Item Number: #VGAEXTR-1000A

Price: $450.00
Sale Price: $165.00


Product Features

  • Transmit and receive VGA video and 3.5mm audio signals up to 1000 feet in one Cat5/Cat5e/6 cable
  • Supports resolution up to 1920 x 1440
  • Works with monitors, projectors, HDTV and flat panels
  • Transmitter modules has loop-thru port for local monitor
  • Adjust EQ swtich at receiver to tune up for best image quality
  • Screwdriver and screw type power adapter included
  • Install in seconds
  • VGA Amplifier Bandwidth: 250 MHz